How to paving the artificial lawn of the kindergarten?
2018-05-09 18:58:17
Do you know how to paving the artificial lawn of the kindergarten in more workable way?
Here are some tips sharing from AAG for you.
1. When the artificial turf comes to the field, do not to cut the lawn at once. It is necessary to open all the lawn to dry them at least 24 hours, waiting for complete release the stress of turf production and transportation and prevent the oversize of the joint after the paving.
2.When cutting lawns, do not pursue one step to cut it well. It is best to reserve a little more length, then carefully prune, so as not to cut the gap too large.
3. It is easier to cut the lawn from the back
4.When you brush the glue, you should pay attention not to spread the glue on the grass yarn, otherwise the gap will be obvious and affect the appearance.
5.There is no glue bonding between the seam belt and the cement ground, while saving glue, the suspended condition of the lawn is conducive to drainage and releasing the displacement caused by thermal expansion and cold contraction.
6.When making the pavement, make sure that the grass is lodged in the same direction, otherwise there will be obvious chromatic aberration.
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