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How to distinguish between FIFA QUALITY and FIFA QUALITY PRO
2018-11-02       17:38:12From:Aojian
At present, with the rapid development of artificial turf technology and football, more and more people are participating in the sport of football, and the requirements for the venue are getting higher and higher. The artificial turf football venue has many advantages and is widely used. Construction and engineering professionalism, etc., whether the final venue can meet the requirements of the venue is still unknown. Therefore, FIFA FIFA has proposed a new FIFA certification standard for artificial turf in football fields, which increases the difficulty of passing the certification. Only FIFA-certified venues have been adopted. In order to be allowed to hold stage-level events.
Since FIFA introduced the concept of artificial turf quality system, the system is internationally recognized and the most authoritative in the industry. Currently, the new standard FIFA certification is divided into FIFA QUALITY and FIFA QUALITY PRO according to the use level. It is also the standard FIFA one star and FIFA two stars. . Many people don't understand this very much. In fact, the FIFA-certified artificial turf field is the highest level and highest recognition of artificial turf in the field of football. How to distinguish between the two certifications?
FIFA QUALITY certification: Valid for 3 years, the old standard FIFA one star is valid for 4 years, FIFA QUALITY certification is only allowed for primary events. For example: leisure, community, municipal school, etc. The duration of use is about 40-60 hours a week.
FIFA QUALITY PRO certification: Valid for 1 year, the same as the old standard FIFA two-star. The artificial turf football field certified by FIFA QUALITY PRO can host any level of competition. Including: professional competitions and training. The duration of use can generally be around 20 hours per week. If the certificate has a problem within the validity period and the test fails, the certificate will be terminated by FIFA. Instead of downgrading to the FIFA QUALITY certification, the certificate is cancelled directly. Therefore, this also means that the venue is certified, representing the highest standards for artificial turf football venues.

AoJian artificial turf industry Co. Ltd. (Brand: AAG) is a professional production of various kinds of football field turf, artificial turf landscape greening, artificial grass, decorative artificial grass, turf type factory made,

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